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Magnetic Separator/

Self Cleaning Magnetic Separator RCDD Series

Self Cleaning Magnetic Separator RCDD Series is self-unloading type magnet separator in long-term system.

It is added platform, iron removing belt and etc, which is suspended over the belt conveyor.

Through the conveyance of the iron unloading belt, the separator will auto discharge the iron magnetic articles which are absorbed by the magnet into the iron collecting box.

Thus removing the iron magnetic articles is gained, which is the one of the most common used types of separator.

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Self Cleaning Magnetic Separator RCDD Series is a device used to automatically remove impurities from powder or block nonmagnetic materials Iron removal device.

It is internally cast with electrical resin and has a self-cooling fully sealed structure.

Self Cleaning Magnetic Separator RCDD Series remove tramp iron from thick material layers and larger particles of mineral ores, coal, coke and limestone.

Self Cleaning Magnetic Separator RCDD Series

◆The design of the magnetic field in this system was selected based on the optimizes computerizes simulation.
◆The inside uses the special resin to cast with wholly sealed structure.
◆Self-cleaning, easy to maimtain, drum-shape structure, automatic belt-off-correction feature.
◆Remote and site control.
◆Eliminate the ferrous material with weight from 0.1-50kg.

Self Cleaning Magnetic Separator RCDD Series always used to remove the iron tramp from the various material on the belt conveyor before crushing.

Remove tramp iron from thick material layers and larger particles of mineral ores, coal, coke and limestone.

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